I read a tweet this morning posted by Dr. Peter Singer, CEO of Grand Challenges of Canada that reminded me of how lucky I am, and the important role our school plays in the lives of our Clementines.
Dr. Singer was tweeting about he wrote in the Globe and Mail yesterday about Canada’s exemplary work globally to assist in bettering the lives of women and children. Prior to reading the article, it was Dr. Singer’s title that caught my eye: The Best Mother’s Day gift: A Child Who Reaches Full Potential. While the article is focused on ensuring the lives of children who struggle to make it past their first few years, it made me think about our roles in ensuring our girls and young women reach their full potential physically, mentally and educationally.
In Canada, and certainly at St. Clement’s, we are blessed with supportive and enriched environments for our children but does that always mean that they will reach their potential? I certainly hope so, and see it as St. Clement’s mission to assist in this. I also know that there are many factors that enhance and impede efforts along the way.
Our girls must have the courage to be themselves and yet, like all children growing up, there will be things that scare them. Our girls must have curiosity to ask questions and to seek answers, and yet there will be times when they may feel restricted or less confident to find information. Our girls must trust that despite difficult challenges, if they ask for help they will be guided towards next steps. Having said all of this, these stages of growth and development can’t happen without parameters and people to support and then ultimately let go.
Today I reflect on how blessed I have been in my life to have parents who were always on my side but who didn’t step in too quickly when I fell. I knew they loved me, I knew when I had disappointed them and, as such, I grew to know how to reach my potential. I know my Mum is my biggest cheerleader, sounding board and safe-haven during difficult times and for that, I will be forever thankful. I only hope that she knows just how important she has been to me reaching my potential.
While I am not a mother myself, I sometimes feel that I have 470 daughters for whom I am responsible. Perhaps that is why Dr. Singer’s title resonates so much. What I- and the rest of our staff at St. Clement’s- wants is for our Clementines to reach their full potential.