Yesterday I completed my blog and sent it off to our Admin Team for viewing prior to posting it today. I had written about the complexities of dealing with ambiguity and felt it an apt post for this time of year. December at school is a time when the excitement of upcoming holidays is coupled with a feeling of exhaustion due to a number of items still requiring focus and hard work right up until the end of the term.
Having said that, I have come into to school today to wrap up a few things myself and I knew immediately upon arrival that I needed to change my blog topic.
As I walked in this morning I passed huge numbers of donations of clothing and food from our community for those in need. I passed posters to indicate locations tomorrow for our entire student body and staff as they participate in St. Clement’s Third Annual Community Service Day. I caught glimpses of pictures of our Junior School’s superb Christmas production put on last week- the result of lots of hard work by students and staff. I am also here at the School to let our student leaders in today. They are giving up their own time in order to rehearse for their Christmas Assembly on Wednesday.
All of this hit me hard- and I am very thankful it did. It forced me to realise that I had let the busyness and complexities of work cloud the things that mean the most: the importance of assisting and supporting those who are less fortunate than us, the unique spirit of community in which we exist, and a genuine appreciation for the people with whom I am surrounded.
Suffice to say, this post is an opportunity for me to say thank you: to our staff, our students, our alumnae and families for believing in and supporting SCS in so many ways.
I hope that everyone has a restful and happy holiday. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and for those in our community who celebrate in other faiths, enjoy!