HomeNews & MediaChris Vollum

Chris Vollum

Social Media educator Chris Vollum stopped by St. Clement’s School on January 10 to discuss how Social Media can be a force for good and help contribute positively to an individual’s future.

A long-time friend of the School, Chris spoke to the Junior School in the morning, the Senior School in the afternoon, and to assembled parents in the evening. While he spoke of the potential perils of irresponsible messaging, he focused more intently on the benefits of the platforms in our personal and professional lives.

In particular, Chris highlighted the significant role that Social Media currently plays in university admissions. Not only did he warn the girls to think carefully about their Social Media posts – illustrated by cases of students who have lost scholarships and acceptances because of questionable historical posts – he also pointed out that Social Media can play a significant and positive role in the application process by following universities online and interacting with them via direct messaging.

During the evening session, Chris encouraged parents to engage with their children and the apps and platforms they use, and to take on the role of mentor, rather than merely monitor.

Ultimately, the overriding message delivered during Chris’s valuable time at St. Clement’s was that if we all listen more, post less, stay relevant, add value, and be respectful on Social Media, we can benefit greatly from this continually evolving technology.

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