The Friday morning before Thanksgiving weekend is always one that provides fun and entertainment for all. The day begins with a breakfast with the returning Grads from the previous year and is followed by assembly and a volleyball game against our current Grade 12s. As staff, we look forward to seeing the girls and finding out how things are going.
It is always wonderful to see our graduates return from their first few weeks of university, now independent and very much their own persons. Imagine my surprise when I had to do a double-take more than once as several of the girls returned wearing their uniforms. While there is no question our girls had moved on to their next phase of life, they seemed to enjoy the ease and comfort, and sense f tradition that the uniform provides.
We were also very fortunate to have two graduates join us virtually. One of our graduates was with us for our breakfast and assembly- albeit on a computer screen. She is currently studying at the University of Hong Kong and Skyped in for the morning. It was an odd but comforting sight to have her ‘sitting’ on a chair looking out from her computer screen during assembly. As well, another of our grads joined us later that morning after her class at St. Andrews University in Scotland.
It is our hope that regardless of what stages our girls find themselves, whether experiencing their first year away from the school or returning after many years, they feel comfortable and excited about coming back to St. Clement’s. Having seen these girls grow up as they have passed through the grades at the School, it is with pride that we reconnect and hear about their adventures and growth.