On Friday, November 22, St. Clement’s School marked the Feast Day of our patron saint with a special assembly.
St. Clement’s School was founded in 1901 by Canon Thomas Wesley Powell,
On Friday, November 22, St. Clement’s School marked the Feast Day of our patron saint with a special assembly.
St. Clement’s School was founded in 1901 by Canon Thomas Wesley Powell,
This week, the Grade 11s paid tribute to the Grade 12s at the Friendship Assembly. After a musical serenade, next year’s Grads presented this year’s Grads with flowers, hugs, and heartfelt wishes.
It is not often that my blog themes are similar from one week to the next; however, in light of the past several days, I am drawn to write about a special relationship and a magical moment for our School this past week.
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This morning we celebrated our Volunteers for all the time and effort they put into helping SCS, and for all of the amazing work they do!
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Today’s Friendship Assembly was a touching and emotional tribute to our 2015 Grads, check out some of the highlights in our photo album.