I take no credit for the title of this blog. It is the title of a Seth Godin blog and it resonated with me.
This past Saturday,
I take no credit for the title of this blog. It is the title of a Seth Godin blog and it resonated with me.
This past Saturday,
My blog this week is inspired by a number of things that have occurred over the course of this past week that have reminded me of our important work as educators.
St. Clementās School has been working with New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL), a research-based association working alongside educators to help them design and implement deep learning experiences for their students.
This weekend I have been reflecting on a number of events and activities that have taken place over the last number of days both at SCS and outside our walls.
At the end of the week, Louise Melville, our Coordinator of Experiential Learning and Round Square, and I joined colleagues from Round Square schools from North and South America.