Engaging in Dialogue for Inclusion

Save the Date
November 16, 2024
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Many schools and institutions rallied to create visible roles and positions for EDI in the aftermath of 2020. Since that time, we have been navigating local and global issues that affect our communities in many different ways. As educational institutions, we know learning happens at the edge of discomfort, but also that not all spaces are set up for this. Many of our longstanding expectations for navigating discomfort and differences have historically encouraged “nice”, “kind”, and “tolerant” behaviours – which have been turned into euphemisms for “avoidance” or “fragility” when there is conflict.

If the long-held default response to conflict is to be “nice” and “tolerant” versus actually sitting in discomfort and learning from it, how can we further our schools’ EDI work if we are too focused on avoiding conflict? How well prepared are we to Engage in Dialogue for Inclusion about the diversity of identities that exist within our school communities, and the conflicts that also arise?

St. Clement’s School is proud to host our fifth EDI Conference for colleague schools.
Join us for a day full of opportunities to learn productive ways to let go of longstanding ideas and beliefs, navigate conflict, spark new practices, and apply it all to our ongoing EDI work.


Schools with attendees in Grades 9-12: $1,200

Schools with attendees in Grades 1-8: $1,000

Each school may bring up to 15 conference attendees, and will ideally be a mix of students, faculty, staff, admin, parents, board members, and alum.


Questions? Please contact Heather Henricks, Vice Principal (heather.henricks@scs.on.ca) or Mahlon Evans-Sinclair, Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (mahlon.evans-sinclair@scs.on.ca ).

Register for Engaging in Dialogue for Inclusion