Endowment Gifts.
Donors who establish and give to endowments make a long-term impact on St. Clement’s School, benefitting our students for years to come.

Celebrate Your Class& Support SCS
The Class Endowment Program allows individual graduating classes the opportunity to establish funds that will provide financial assistance to deserving students over the years.
It is also a wonderful way to recognize a graduating class and perpetuate their contribution to the future of St. Clement’s School.
Naming a fund takes place when it has reached $25,000, and class members can continue to contribute to it over the years.
Meagan Thomas
Associate Director of Alumnae and Donor Relations
416 483 4414 x2231
The Mackinnon GirvanExperiential Education Award
“A large part of who I am has been shaped by canoe trips and other adventures. I hope that this fund gives a lot of people that same experience, especially girls who might not seek it out otherwise.”
– Stephanie Peter ’01, donor
The Mackinnon Girvan Experiential Education Award was established to honour past staff Janet Mackinnon and Wendy Girvan and to recognize the integral role they both played in the development of experiential education at St. Clement’s School. This merit award, made possible from endowment returns, will be given annually to a student entering Grade 10, 11 or 12 who demonstrates a passion for learning through experiential education and has an interest in civic engagement.
The Patricia D. ParisiScholarship Fund
“Our girls are the best and brightest anywhere. A strong student financial assistance program is essential to ensure that St. Clement’s School will continue its tradition of excellence.”
– Patricia D. Paris, Past Principal
The Patricia D. Parisi Scholarship fund honours past Principal Patricia D. Parisi, who led St. Clement’s School from 1995-2010. The fund was established to provide financial assistance for an incoming girl who demonstrates academic excellence and embodies the St. Clement’s School spirit of community service.
Sarah GleesonJunior School Fund
“This gift has enabled us to create a way for members of the SCS community to honour Sarah and her passion for our Junior School.”
– Martha Perry ’85, Principal
The Sarah Gleeson Junior School Fund was established to honour and recognize Sarah’s commitment and dedication to SCS. A champion of independent education, she took incredible pride in her role as partner in the shaping of the Junior School girls. This fund provides financial support for students in Grades 4-6 who find their family’s financial situation has changed. This fund will allow eligible girls to complete their foundation years at SCS.

Every Gift Counts.
Every generous gift contributes to the individual faces, diverse places, and innovative learning spaces that help all of our girls to excel and make St. Clement's School the uniquely spirited place that it is.
Annual Giving
Your support of our Annual Fund campaign truly enriches the SCS experience.
Share your own passions with our girls. There are many ways to support SCS with your time.