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Parents’ Association.

The SCS Parents’ Association works to benefit our students by linking the School and its families.

Throughout the year, the PA hosts many social events to bring parents together, as a Grade and as a full community. Additionally, it fundraises in support of the varied programs and activities that augment the SCS experience for our students.

Welcome Back From the PA

Summer is glorious but I have always preferred the Fall. The colors, the coolness, and of course BTS (Back To School!) Yes, I was that kid who loved September and look at me now; I am that parent who is delighted to welcome all of you, on behalf of the Parents’ Association, to another great year at SCS!

The SCS PA exists because of and in service to you, our community of parents from Grades 1 to 12. All of us are members and all of us have a role to play in supporting PA traditions and making new ones. Starting with the Welcome Coffee on the first day of school, and continuing through the Welcome Fair, the holiday-themed Jingle Mingle, Grade coffees, uniform sales, textbook sale, Grade socials and recurring PA meetings. Attend, observe, and enjoy or volunteer your time and your talent. The SCSPA is happy to have you!

On the topic of PA meetings, this year we are trying something different. We are so excited to welcome parents in person to a handful of meetings, hosted at the School on Wednesday (late start) mornings. Virtual meetings will continue to be held weekday evenings. The goal for in-person is to open up participation and to deepen engagement. No more “you’re on mute”. No more iPhone challenges!

To help stay connected and informed, look out for news from your Grade Parents (personally, I really rely on their additional reminders – I don’t know how they remember it all!) PA updates often appear in Friday’s enews (emailed out on Fridays, from the School) and our SCSPA interactive Edsby page is where you can add a comment or a like and get the latest on PA activities and events.

For parents new to SCS, there is a catch phrase (two words) that you will get to know, through your daughters, and that I have used herein (see if you can find it!). For returning parents, get excited!! This year, once again, is going to be full and busy and intense and whether your daughter is entering Grade 2 or 12, it is never too soon or too late to show up. Let this year be the year!

Julietta Lynch
Parent of Mikayla (“Mimi”)’33
St. Clement’s School Parents’ Association President 2024 – 2025

Parents’ Association

The Parents’ Association organizes a wide variety of activities and events. This would not be possible without our volunteer organizers:


Julietta Lynch

Vice President
Alissa Crean

Past President
Kurt MacWilliam

Nadim Abdo

Andrea Jong

Volunteer Coordinator
Melissa Pugsley

Grade Parents

Grade 1
Christine Sze-Louie
Jing Liu

Grade 2
Mahsa Khatami
Amrida Koxhja

Grade 3
Farida James
Tammy Yuen

Grade 4
Patrizia Kohly
Jane Potter

Grade 5
Jestine Zhou
Lydia Lin

Grade 6
Mariam Azimi
Lisa Kudo

Grade 7
Julie Seymour
Rajni Singhal

Grade 8
Josie Marciello

Grade 9
Leiwa James
Edmund Leong

Grade 10
Martha D'Arcy
David Rosner

Grade 11
Shelley Arrowsmith
Manjula Selvarajah

Grade 12
Julie Herbst
Sarah Lesser


The PA is always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in an Executive, Convenor, or Grade Parent role, please speak with Melissa Pugsley (Volunteer Coordinator), Julietta Lynch (President), or Kurt MacWilliam (Past President).



parent-social picture

Parent Socials

Parent socials are an important way for SCS parents to meet and reconnect with other parents in their child’s grade. Please watch your inbox for emails from your Grade Parents. It is our intention that these popular events will continue to bring the parent community together and provide SCS parents with the opportunity to get to know each other a little bit better!

Occasional Volunteering

If you are not sure you can make a commitment for a specific activity but are willing to volunteer for an hour or two occasionally, please contact the Parents’ Association Volunteer Coordinator, Melissa Pugsley. Volunteers may be called upon to help at any Parents’ Association or school event.

Occasional Volunteering



LINCWell is a full school approach, designed to craft a school experience for each of our girls that is characterized by Learning, Individualization, Nurturing, Creativity, and Wellness.



Beyond the Classroom

With opportunities to get involved in clubs, trips, and volunteering in the community, learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors.




Our commitment to excellence in learning means being in tune with the world around us, and always looking ahead.