HomeNews & MediaFollow Your Curiosity

Follow Your Curiosity

I am a big believer that things happen for a reason. Often I find myself tuning into a program just as it starts, or even in the midst, when a very pertinent topic or idea is being introduced and discussed. I am always thankful for the timing as I am left with unexpected great insights. As it has in the past, this fortuitous timing occurred this week.

Often we hear about the importance of ‘following your passion,’ a common phrase that many people and organizations, including our School, use. We speak about the importance of providing our girls the opportunity to seek out and ‘find their passion’ and, personally, when I am passionate about something I am more fulfilled and engaged.

It wasn’t until I stumbled on a replay of an interview on CBC’s program q that I questioned what ‘following your passion’ really means and how- if we want to be fulfilled- we identify and pursue that passion. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Big Magic, was speaking with Shadrach Kabango, and when I began listening she was commenting on a conversation she had had with Brené Brown, psychologist. Brown said that untapped creativity was not benign- that it is necessary to express one’s creativity to grow, learn and thrive. Gilbert’s ensuing commentary about finding one’s passion was simple but powerful. She explained that anything enjoyable in which we engage is, in essence, a passion. We do things because we like them. However, it is our curiosity, not our passion, that has the power to take us beyond and tap our creativity. Curiosity must be nurtured and sated at every point such that we are always learning more and stretching ourselves to grow and to foster our creativity.

I was reminded of our School’s tagline: passion, courage, curiosity as the interview ended. In order to nurture our girls’ passions we must foster their courage to follow their curiosity.

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