Parents can select a date and time for a safe, curbside uniform pick-up here.
This is the plan as of the end of July. It is a flexible plan and can be adapted in response to changes to the government and Ministry of Education regulations, restrictions, and guidelines as the COVID situation continues to evolve.
If the government mandates that school should be closed, the plan would change to virtual learning for all. If physical distancing guidelines were removed, it would allow us to have more students in the building more often. If cohorting guidelines were relaxed, we may be able to revisit the organization of the Upper School timetable and alternate models like semestering may be possible. These are just a few of many examples.
Yes. You may opt for your daughter to do online learning only. A survey will be sent in late August to find out your family’s plans for a return. SCS has invested in technology for classrooms to ensure streaming can occur.
Classes will be formed in the usual way. Then, in some cases, when the classes are too big for social distancing within our space, those classes will be subdivided into cohorts. In the Junior School, every cohort will be in every day. The larger classes will be divided into two cohorts. As with assigning homeroom teachers at the beginning of the year, there are no requests taken into consideration for cohort placement, but we put careful thought into the composition of our classes.
When large classes are divided into two cohorts in the Upper School, they will be divided alphabetically in order to ensure that sisters are in the building on the same days wherever possible. One cohort will learn from home while the other learns in person, alternating days.
As per the Ministry guidelines at this time, cohorts and homeforms will be in effect throughout the school day, including outdoor time.
All of our teachers and associate teachers are qualified.
Similar to past years, the teachers, schedules, and cohort assignments will not be announced until closer to the beginning of the school year.
Students in Grades 10-12 take one class per octmester (approximately 4 weeks). Those who have spares in their schedules will have periods of time when they are not required in a class. Mandatory programming, homeform time, and assemblies will continue on Wednesdays and students may also be meeting with LINC counsellors regarding post-secondary planning. If students wish to take an additional course, this may be possible. It will, however, be dependent on available space. Students can investigate this possibility with their LINCWell counsellor and Head of School.
There will be a final evaluation for each course at the end of the octmester.
The devices assigned to our Grades 1 to 6 students are for each student’s dedicated use and will not be shared with other students. At the outset of our Fall term, devices will remain at school for charging each evening. Should we be directed to move to a virtual learning environment we will connect with families to determine home technology needs and will ensure each student has a device available for their use.
At this time, in order to keep cohorts and physical distancing measures in place according to the government’s guidelines, we are unable to offer before or after school care or a place for students to wait before or after class.
If the government guidance in this area changes, we will update our plans.
Students must either bring a litterless lunch from home each day, or they may take part in the Rose Reisman lunch program. Lunches from Rose Reisman will be delivered directly to classrooms. Students may not leave the school building to purchase lunches.
Non-medical cloth or disposable masks are required for each student and staff member when in the building. Exceptions will be made for eating and drinking. Masks should fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops and be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping. Masks with valves are not acceptable.
Some Upper School classes have a small number of students enrolled and are scheduled in a classroom that allows for everyone to attend at the same time while maintaining physical distancing. In this case, students will attend 4 days per week, rather than alternating days in a cohort.
Parents and guardians will be responsible for monitoring their girls daily for symptoms and must not send them to school if they are sick.
Anyone who has any of the symptoms outlined on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 website or who has been in contact with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases in the past 14 days will NOT be allowed into the building.
Students and staff who travel outside Ontario must self-isolate for 14 days before returning to school.
A safe return to school requires assistance from our community. Families play a role in ensuring that children are practicing physical distancing and adhering to Provincial guidelines.
Yes, all courses, including music courses will go ahead, while ensuring health and safety protocols are in place.
At this time, athletics will not be restarting in the fall. The School will adhere to CISAA (Conference of Independent Schools Athletics Association) guidelines.
Yes. The School will open on Tuesday, September 8 and the school year will end on June 15, 2021.
Girls will not have access to lockers. They will need to bring supplies, including lunch, for each day to school and back home again at the end of the day. Students in Grades 1-6 (using a School-owned device) will leave the devices at school to be charged overnight. Students in Grades 7-12 (Bring Your Own Device) will take their devices home each night.
Yes, the school has a supply of hand sanitizer. Dispensers are located throughout the building.
Grade 10 courses taken by Grade 9s are considered Grade 9 courses in this model, and are scheduled into quadmesters.
St. Clement’s continues to follow and enrich the Ontario Ministry Curriculum.
Upper School students who are new to SCS will take part in our New Student Orientation the week before school starts. Girls entering Grades 6-11 have been connected with current students to help them with their transition to the School and have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of online meet-ups. Families entering Grades 1-5 have had outreach via the Parents’ Association. Admissions, teachers, Heads of School and LINCWell counsellors are also available to support the girls as they integrate into the community.
Additional cleaning staff have been engaged to ensure classrooms and learning materials will be cleaned and sanitized daily. High touch surfaces (e.g. door handles, washrooms, etc.) will be sanitized on a continuous basis throughout the day.
Students will be working with their advisors to create offerings and opportunities for the community.
The required uniform for the fall semester is the SCS PE uniform.
The PE shorts and t-shirts provide cool clothing during hot days and the sweatpants and sweatshirts provide warmer clothing during colder days. This will be important in areas of the school building where windows are open to the extent possible to provide improved air circulation.
The PE uniform will allow students in all grades to be outside the building for recess and physical education classes, without necessitating changing their clothes. This option reduces the movement of students throughout the building, lessens the number of personal belongings brought into the School, and eliminates the need to find places to change.
The PE uniform is comfortable and can be washed and dried easily on a frequent basis and the relatively low cost of the Physical Education uniform will allow students to have more than one set.
Only the official SCS PE uniform is acceptable; Lazypants are not permitted. Running shoes are to be worn with the PE uniform.
Yes! The Gold Belts and Grad Sweatshirts may both be worn with the PE uniform.