As we work to educate our girls and young women, one of the most important skills to consider is not only how to provide effective feedback but also how to help all the members of our community hear and implement feedback so that there is growth and improvement.
Much writing on the topic of feedback suggests that specific, realistic and timely feedback is key. In addition, those providing the feedback must learn to own it and speak on behalf of themselves as opposed to representing others. On the other side, those receiving feedback must learn to listen, reflect and implement- no easy task as dealing with feedback is a complex process which can provoke defensiveness.
Within the educational environment, nothing is more important than the power of feedback as it contributes to learning and growth. Moreover, the feedback process is also fundamentally important for St. Clement’s as a community and educational institution.
This term is the ”final stretch” for our Grade 12s and, as such, Mr. Hill, Ms Macintosh and I will be meeting with all the grads in small groups over the next few months to get their feedback about their experience at SCS. This Grad Lunch process was launched three years ago, and we have benefitted from these honest, candid and thoughtful conversations. We look forward to them again this year.
In addition, three years ago SCS began the process of implementing a regular Parent Satisfaction Survey. This survey, sent out every three years, will be sent out to our parents, and we look forward to reflecting on the responses and analysis. We have also added three other groups to this regular process with the School surveying our girls from Grades 6-12, our staff, and our young alumnae.
Please keep an eye out for the information being sent this week.
St. Clement’s School must model what it is we wish for our girls- that as an educational institution that always strives for excellence, we seek, reflect upon, and implement thoughtful, realistic and timely feedback.
Thank you, in advance, for your participation.