Last week as our school community returned for the beginning of a new year, I was reminded several times about the strength and support we afford each other as we learn and grow together- whether in the School or outside its walls. Our SCS community is very much a family.
On Friday, our Head Girl for the 2017-2018 school year, Michaela Hill, said in her address to the School, “That’s the incredible thing about St. Clement’s. What we have here is not easy to come by. We go to a school that is not only a community, but that has community within community within community inside of it. Your House is a community, your Homeform is a community, your cast mates, teammates, choir members, friends from clubs, each of your classes, and of course your grade – these are families within our St. Clement’s community. The people all around you right now are family members even if you haven’t realized it yet. “
All last week, I have observed staff and students thoughtfully supporting our newest members as they settle in to SCS.
And, while we build these communities within, the deep connections remain far beyond time at 21 St. Clements Avenue.
On the same day as Michaela’s address, we welcomed back two alumnae who are at school in Florida, one beginning her post-secondary degree in dentistry, the other pursuing a very promising golf career. Their schools have been closed in anticipation of Hurricane Irma and they chose to come ‘home’ to be with us on Friday.
Midday, I was able to catch up with two alumnae from 2010, have lunch, and support one of them as she deals with the loss of a parent.
As I reflected this weekend, Michaela’s words came back to me: “That’s the incredible thing about St. Clement’s. We go to a school that is not only a community, but that has community within community within community.” It is very apparent to me that, while we build connections within our walls, we can rest assured that they continue beyond.