One of our school’s pillars in our 2017-2020 strategic plan has been to enhance our philanthropic culture; while the focus contributes to our school’s sustainability, philanthropy is something we believe our girls and alumnae should understand.
Our students take on a number of different leadership roles throughout their time at SCS and we feel it is important to have a wider conversation surrounding philanthropy – and what it means for us as a community – as we develop outstanding women who are intellectually curious, courageous, and compassionate. Our students are involved in philanthropy in many ways, from supporting this year’s school charity, Hockey 4 Youth, collecting items and helping with The Period Purse Packing Parties, organizing local food and clothing drives, and being involved with the St. Clement’s Church community. This discussion, we hope, will now encourage families to have the conversation on what philanthropy means to them as a whole. How do we go from our own individual philanthropic activities, and bring our families into the conversation?
St. Clement’s is excited to be hosting A Conversation on Women and Philanthropy on Thursday, November 28 at 5:30 p.m. and look forward to welcoming students, parents and alumnae to what we anticipate will be a great conversation.
We are thrilled to have Jo-Anne Ryan, Vice President of Philanthropic Advisory Services at TD Wealth and Executive Director of TD’s Private Giving Foundation, speaking. Ms Ryan has been travelling across the country, presenting the TD research findings, Time, Treasure, Talent: Canadian Women and Philanthropy, to a number of hospital foundations, universities and charitable organizations. It will be the first time she will be speaking at an all-girls school and at the middle school/high school level. As is articulated in the TD report, “One of the most influential forces in creating change in charities and charitable giving has been the participation in the charitable sector by Canadian women. Women participate as volunteers, as executives, as directors and, most importantly, as donors. Different methods of supporting charities are often collectively referred to as “time, talent and treasure.”
As a part of this evening, we are thrilled to follow with a panel, moderated by Jill Nelson ’79, Associate Vice President of Estate Giving at the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation. Speaking on the topic of Women and Philanthropy will be Ms Julie Lassonde ’90, Director of the Pierre Lassonde Family Foundation, Anne Maggisano ’94, Vice President, Client Relations, Burgundy Asset Management and past staff member and legacy donor, Wendy Girvan.
This evening will prove to be informative and, we hope, a springboard to increased understanding and conversations about women and philanthropy for our girls in the future.
We hope you will join us!