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SCS Experiential Education blog

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry,” Maya Angelou wrote, “But by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.”

St. Clement’s School has long shared Maya Angelou’s regard for travel and provided SCS students with the opportunity to voyage across the world as part of its Experiential Education program.

From Colombia to Sri Lanka, Zambia to Italy, Australia and beyond, Clementines have been discovering the wonders of the world and broadening their minds via conferences of like-minded international students, participation in exchange programs, engagement in cultural immersion, volunteering in service projects, or delving into a combination of all four.

And now, you can travel along with our intrepid and philanthropic Clementines through the SCS Experiential Education blog. The blog – exedscs.edublogs.org – contains posts and photographs from our SCS travelers’ peregrinations as they make their way across the country and around the world.

Read all about their recent experiences at the Round Square International Conference in Ottawa, then check back later for entries on future wanderings.

Check out the Experiential Education blog now!

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