Spirit is never in short supply at St. Clement’s School. It permeates every event and every classroom and is never more evident than during Spirit Week.
Each grade – and even staff – spent the week decked out in a specific colour that crept upwards from knee, to waist, to shoulders, to head, culminating at week’s end in a riot of purples, pinks, yellows, oranges, greens, silvers, and more. With colourful tutus and ski goggles, wigs and leggings, capes, pumps, sneakers and sunglasses, the School was ablaze with vibrant spirit each and every day.
Lockers were adorned with spectacular and innovative decorations that included lights, 3-D effects, and unlimited artistic prowess, while the reward for creative choreography and hours of intense rehearsals came on Friday when assembly was taken over by an awe-inspiring lip-synch competition that brought the roof down.
Even after the glitter, streamers, and feathers had drifted into the corners, and the building had gradually returned to normal, the legendary St. Clement’s spirit remained as infectiously high as ever.