This past Friday was Open House at St. Clement’s, and it was and always has been our intention at these times to provide our visitors with as authentic an experience as possible such that they can make an informed decision about the next phase of the educational journey for their daughters.
Month: October 2013
Proof of Process
This week I have been in Vancouver attending our annual Canadian Accredited Independent Schools Heads and Chairs conference, and two events yesterday have left me feeling proud of our students and the work that our faculty are doing with them.
Opening the Mind and the Heart
This past week I attended the annual Round Square International Conference, where the theme Waves of Change stressed the impact that each of us can make to affect our world and make it a better place.
Swimming In Your Own Lane
I am always thankful when parents, colleagues and friends send along articles for me to read and consider. This week I received a very thought-provoking article from The New York Times entitled “Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?”