This weekend I find myself in Ottawa. Time away always allows me to step back and think about things. I cannot believe that it is the end of May and yet another year is almost complete.
Month: May 2014
SCS Leadership Hits a High Note
This year, the Young Round Square (YRS) and Horizons Programs orchestrated a joint initiative for students at Stanley Public School in Toronto.
The two programs involved in this collaboration already shared some similar notes: YRS prepares Grade 7 and 8 students for life outside of the classroom through service,
A Peacock for an Alarm Clock in India
Following discussions that began at a 2011 Round Square Conference, St. Clement’s new exchange with the Vidya Devi Jindal School (VDJS) in Hisar found Grade 11 students Kate and Naomi and Grade 10 student Kaitlyn experiencing life in India for close to a month.
Words from the Wise
The topic of women in leadership is one about which I am passionate, and I am fortunate to be able to teach a course on this topic at our CAIS Summer Leadership Institute.
Learning to Make a Difference
The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) is an international program that aims to develop community leaders. Participants are given a hands-on, reality-based look at philanthropy, providing them with the skills and awareness to assess the needs of their community and make a positive difference.
A Gift: Reaching One’s Full Potential
I read a tweet this morning posted by Dr. Peter Singer, CEO of Grand Challenges of Canada that reminded me of how lucky I am, and the important role our school plays in the lives of our Clementines.
An Exciting Collaborative Approach to Girls’ and Women’s issues
On Tuesday evening St. Clement’s joined forces with Bishop Strachan School, Branksome Hall and Havergal College to host a first annual Collaborative Girls’ School event, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome.