Over the past several months I have been doing a tremendous amount of research and reading about the future of education, the challenges associated with change, and the need for innovation.
The Answer is Questions

Over the past several months I have been doing a tremendous amount of research and reading about the future of education, the challenges associated with change, and the need for innovation.
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A beautiful and inspiring Installation Service today at St. Clement’s Church. We welcome this year’s student leaders and wish them luck in all the work they will do this year!
The second book Principal Perry will be reading and discussing in this year’s Principal’s Book Club is Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.
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Yesterday the Parents’ Association held a BBQ for the SCS Community. It was full of delicious food, fun and games, and good friends! Thanks to the PA for throwing a great party and for fostering our sense of community!
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Thanks to everyone who came out and supported and participated in the Upper School Terry Fox Run last week. It was an amazing show of support for a worthy cause,
Join Martha Perry ’85 for an inspiring evening discussing Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We live, Love, Parent,
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Yesterday our Grade 2s and 3s participated in Action Art, an abstract form of painting which emphasizes spontaneous and energetic movement. They were inspired by artist Ushio Shinohara,
The print version of the Fall 2015 Red Blazer is now online! Make sure you check it out and keep up to date with SCS news.