On Friday, our Grade 11 class held their Friendship Assembly for the Graduating Class. This is a tradition that affords our Grade 11s an opportunity to express their love, thanks and appreciation to the Graduates.
The Building of Friendships

On Friday, our Grade 11 class held their Friendship Assembly for the Graduating Class. This is a tradition that affords our Grade 11s an opportunity to express their love, thanks and appreciation to the Graduates.
I have had many conversations over the last several weeks about stress. What both fascinates and concerns me is that there seems to be a perceived need for people to articulate,
Our girls are mad about the Arts. At this year’s annual Arts Banquet, MADDNESS, they had an opportunity to explore a variety of art forms across the disciplines of music,
This week I received two separate hard copy letters from students, and these, and an article, reminded me of the power of communication, and, more specifically, of the power of one’s approach to communication.
As we continue to work on our strategic plan for the upcoming three years, I am mindful that its goals are planned to be completed in 2020. One can play on the notion of 20/20: the articulation of clear or perfect vision and the excitement around planning for that clarity.
Although you may have left the bricks & mortar of the School, you never truly leave St. Clement’s behind. In fact, there are several advantages to staying connected to the SCS network,