This weekend I finished a book that I suspect will stay with me for years to come. I am always grateful to authors who can wrap me up in their stories,
Fresh Water For Flowers

This weekend I finished a book that I suspect will stay with me for years to come. I am always grateful to authors who can wrap me up in their stories,
On Wednesday, our community gathered for our e-ssembly to celebrate the members of the Class of 2021, and to recognize their roles as our most senior leaders. Strong leadership requires many important skills about which our girls learn,
Good afternoon and welcome to our End of Year Awards Assembly in St. Clement’s School’s 119th year.
Each year, at Closing, I relish the opportunity to look out to see and speak to our entire School community.
Two pieces of writing have resonated with me over the last few days. One was composed in quite a different time, and the other was penned a few days ago by an SCS Alumna.
On Thursday of this past week, I had the opportunity to attend a webinar facilitated by the Canadian Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) that brought together four independent school-affiliated leaders from around the globe,
Needless to say, I have been thinking a tremendous amount about what one can learn in light of the COVID-19 health crisis.
Our community is increasingly diverse. I celebrated Easter this past weekend,
During times of uncertainty, it is important to stay true to one’s values, to move forward step by step, and to surround yourself with those who will support you by providing constructive feedback,
I take no credit for the title of this blog. It is the title of a Seth Godin blog and it resonated with me.
This past Saturday,
One of our school’s pillars in our 2017-2020 strategic plan has been to enhance our philanthropic culture; while the focus contributes to our school’s sustainability, philanthropy is something we believe our girls and alumnae should understand.
It was once merely a curtain tie sold in a department store, but today the St. Clement’s School gold belt is the mark of a true leader.
Many schools and colleges have long had something to differentiate prefects or graduating classes from their peers;