Please join us for this year’s Alumnae Reunion Weekend 2018, on May 4-6!
Please complete and return the RSVP form by Friday,
Please join us for this year’s Alumnae Reunion Weekend 2018, on May 4-6!
Please complete and return the RSVP form by Friday,
It’s no surprise that Sally Saunders ’53 went into a caregiving field; when she recalls her time at SCS, her service work at St. Christopher’s House is among her favourite memories.
On Thursday I attended a workshop hosted by the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education entitled Advancement for Academics. This was a wonderful day-long forum highlighting the benefits of advancement staff working alongside faculty to leverage understanding about the impact a potential gift can make to the realization of a school’s dream or vision.
“I certainly wasn’t on a direct path to what I’m doing now, but I also wouldn’t have landed my job at Google without all of the experiences that came before it.”
Last week as our school community returned for the beginning of a new year, I was reminded several times about the strength and support we afford each other as we learn and grow together- whether in the School or outside its walls.
In November 2016, for the first time in five years, SCS held a reunion in the U.K.! Lisa Watson, Executive Director of Advancement, and Janet Mackinnon and Wendy Girvan,
Each of our alumnae has found her own path through intellectual curiosity, courage, and compassion. Tiffany Tan ’92 is proving that creativity isn’t limited to one’s artistic skills through her career in marketing.
Each of our alumnae has found her own path through intellectual curiosity, courage, and compassion. With her start-up Let’s Be Clear, Rachel Verner ’11 is getting clear about consent.
As we continue to work on our strategic plan for the upcoming three years, I am mindful that its goals are planned to be completed in 2020. One can play on the notion of 20/20: the articulation of clear or perfect vision and the excitement around planning for that clarity.
Although you may have left the bricks & mortar of the School, you never truly leave St. Clement’s behind. In fact, there are several advantages to staying connected to the SCS network,