The Purpose of Education

Earlier this week I was away in Winnipeg attending the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools Annual Heads and Chairs conference. This conference provides Heads of Schools and our Board Chairs time away to connect and access speakers and resources about emerging issues and opportunities for our Schools.

Closing 2017 Message

Good evening and welcome. It is my great honour and pleasure to welcome all of you to our 116th Annual St. Clement’s School Closing.

When I reflect upon the past year I am reminded of the wise messages to our community from our youngest students through our Junior School classes leading our assemblies: messages about the writing process,

The Importance of Giving and Receiving Feedback

As we work to educate our girls and young women, one of the most important skills to consider is not only how to provide effective feedback but also how to help all the members of our community hear and implement feedback so that there is growth and improvement.

Working Together for Our Girls: The Role of Girls’ Schools in Carving Paths

This past week, I have been looking forward to an exciting weekend when St. Clement’s School will begin hosting the first internationally-held National Coalition of Girls’ School’s (NCGS) Trustees meeting from Sunday to Monday.