On Friday, I gave a eulogy for past Board member and Alumna, Christine Featherstone ’67, at her memorial service.
While I believe strongly that each and every Clementine is an outstanding woman who deserves to be recognized,
On Friday, I gave a eulogy for past Board member and Alumna, Christine Featherstone ’67, at her memorial service.
While I believe strongly that each and every Clementine is an outstanding woman who deserves to be recognized,
Over the past four days, St. Clement’s School has played host to the International Independent Schools’ Public Speaking Competition. Our small community has welcomed over forty-five school teams and their coaches from Canada,
Over the last two weeks, our St. Clement’s students and staff have had the wonderful opportunity to hear from four of our student leaders who have shared their personal insights in assemblies.
Last weekend, I set aside an article from The Globe and Mail entitled “A Word to the Wise”. Its headline intrigued me and while I didn’t have time to read it then,
This past weekend, St. Clement’s School welcomed back Alumnae from 1948 to 2017 as we celebrated our annual Alumnae Reunion Weekend. Over the course of three days we welcomed and caught up with our intellectually curious,
On my bulletin board above my desk are a number of quotations. This past week, one in particular reminded me of the importance of the work we do and how privileged we are to do it.
As I wrote this blog, I was sitting in the airport on Sunday morning preparing to leave for a National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS) Trustees’ Meeting taking place at the Atlanta Girls’
On Sunday morning I was going through my Twitter feed and came across Seth Godin’s daily post entitled Slow and Steady. Most often, Godin’s posts are thought-provoking.
I read a beautiful article by Jeannette Dowson in Tuesday’s Globe and Mail that opened with the following, “Fed by the sun and soil, trees are the most noble organisms on Earth.
This past week was a good reminder for me of the benefit of trying something new within a supportive and encouraging environment.
On Wednesday evening, St. Clement’s hosted a Strategic Vision Overview on Facebook Live in Powell Hall after our Annual General Meeting;